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I’m reaching out because I want to make sure you saw our team’s recent email. It is so important that we build a strong foundation for future success, and we can’t do it without you. 

If we fail to keep Indiana RED in 2022, there is ZERO chance we will be able to take back the Senate or the House. It’s critical that we win a majority in Congress during the midterms so we can STOP Joe Biden’s ultra-progressive agenda and save America! 

We’re asking every single Hoosier to chip in just a few dollars before our fundraising deadline at midnight on January 31st. It’s our first major goalpost since Biden took office, and we want to send a STRONG message that we’re not resting on our laurels in Indiana! 


I know we can get 100 percent participation. Every single dollar counts in the fight to restore common sense in the United States — no donation is too small. 

Help us show the Dems that they will not defeat us.  

Kyle Hupfer, IN GOP Chairman 

Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021; 9:00 A.M.
From: Indiana GOP
To: Top Supporters
Subject: Dems are targeting Indiana

Hoosier Republican, 

The Democrats are now in charge of the White House, the Senate, and the House, but we cannot let them continue their control past the 2022 midterm elections.  

It’s CRITICAL that we send a strong message right NOW, before they have a chance to do irreparable damage to our great country. Our first fundraising deadline since the transfer of power is coming up fast at midnight on January 31st! 

Will you chip in just $5 or $10 today to show the DC Dems that Indiana Republicans are not going to stand for their radical agenda?  

CHIP IN $10 NOW >>

Indiana is going to be the left’s number one target over the next two years. They are still hurting from Senator Mike Braun's impressive win in 2018, and Senator Todd Young is up for reelection in 2022.  

We must keep this seat RED and do our part to take back the Senate and win BIG in the House. To make that possible, we need everyone to start now to keep the momentum from our 2020 Hoosier wins going! 

We can’t be complacent. We need 100 percent involvement. Just $5 makes a huge difference in our fight to keep Indiana red and save America. Please help with what you can today. 

Team IN GOP 

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