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Friday, January 29th, 2021

Only If We Misunderstand the Battlefield, Are Face Masks ‘No Big Deal’

Allan Stevo

In America Truth Is the Hardest Thing To Find

Paul Craig Roberts

The Coronavirus: Using ‘Animal Models’ as Proof of Infection; Another Lie

Jon Rappoport

The Reddit Revolution, GameStop, and Melvin Capital

Glenn Greenwald

Dijjywan—Dijjydo or Dijjydon’t?

Questions for My Betters. Fred Reed

Only You Can Beat Big Tech Censorship

Thomas Luongo

More Cyber Crimes, Attributed To Russia, Are Shown To Have Come From Elsewhere

Moon of Alabama

The Easy Life

Bionic Mosquito

Nixon Closed the Gold Window, and All I Got Was This Lousy National Debt

Michael Maharrey

Why the Utes Opposed Biden’s Plans To Limit Oil Drilling

Ryan McMaken

Epic Gold Market To Follow Epic Stock Market Bubble

Egon von Greyerz

Miami Obstetrician Dies After Getting Covid-19 Jab

Barbara Loe Fisher

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