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BOMBSHELL: Robinhood employee says the White ☭ House pressured HALT of GameStop Trading
Screwing the little guy, the individual, that is the mission by objective of the Democrat party of treason and destruction. Crush the individual.

Class-action suit filed against Robinhood app for blocking trading of GameStop, other stocks


Democrats introduce bill to strip President Trump of his government pension
Trump donated his whole Presidential salary. What D-Bag can say the same? They throw billions to our worst enemies.

How long are these jackals going to hound the greatest president in living memory, whose only crime is that he was elected by ...

Chief Rabbi’s Holocaust Commemoration: “Islamic terror and uncontrolled waves of immigrants shook Europe to the core”
Chief Rabbi Goldschmidt’s Holocaust Commemoration:

“Islamic terror and uncontrolled waves of immigrants shook Europe to the core”

Speaking via Video in the EU Parliament on the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, European ...

Maricopa County Votes to Perform FORENSIC AUDIT OF MACHINES Used in November Election
When the massive election fraud is proven, what then?

Maricopa County Votes to Perform Forensic Audit of Machines Used in November Election

By Tom Ozimek, The Epoch Times, January 28, 2021:

Maricopa County in Arizona will carry out a ...

Israeli Defense Forces chief’s message to Biden: If necessary, Israel will act alone
The Biden Administration should consider this, before they re-enter the JCPOA: and that is Israel will never allow Iran to go nuclear. When the Israelis say “never again,” they absolutely mean it. Watch PM Netanyahu's remarks below.

Related ...

Public Schools in Iowa Teaching Transgenderism to PRESCHOOLERS
Kids can barely add or write or speak properly – this is what public education is serving up to our kids?

I don't care what you do with your bits, just keep it out of PRESCHOOL.

Do not send your children back to public school.


Jihad Justice: Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl BEHEADER RELEASED in Pakistan
A Pakistan sharia court ordered the release of jihad-killer of Daniel Pearl. With Joebama in the WH, there's nothing to fear.

Democrats reward the jihad state with $10 million in stolen American COVID relief funds for gender programs in ...

Warmongering Fraud Biden Breaks The Peace, Puts F-35 Fighter Jets Sale ON HOLD to UAE And Other States
Breaking Trump's brilliant, unprecedented Middle East peace.

US puts hold on F-35 sale to UAE, other states

By:  Associated Press, January 27, 2021:

The officials did not identify the other sales that had been temporarily halted. ...

MORE FRAUD: More Than Half Of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers Are FAKE, Just Created in January
The election was stolen in much the same way.

Biden is illegitimate, no matter how many tech nerds, freaks and geeks prop up the demented, segregationist pervert. Why do you think D.C. is a militarized zone?

Analysis: More Than Half Of Joe ...

John Kerry Says Of Fired Energy Workers ‘Let Them Make Solar Panels’
We should not be surprised by these egregious statements from John Kerry. Kerry is one of the most detestable politicians we have ever seen. He was an awful secretary of state. And he will cause significant economic damage to America as President ...

“Impeach Obama for Inciting Black Lives Matter Riots”
And then impeach him again for spying on a Presidential candidate and another for spying on journalists.

Impeach Obama for Inciting Black Lives Matter Riots

By Daniel Greenfield, January 26, 2021 (thanks to Inexion);

On May 31st, a ...

Illegitimate Biden Administration announces it’s renewing relations with Palestinians, seeking 2-state solution
The Biden Administration also announced that American aid will be restored to the neo-Nazi Palestinian Authority. That means your tax dollars will be used to fund Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israelis, as well as anti-Semitic UNRWA which ...

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