True Texas Project
2021 Scholarship Opportunity

True Texas Project is proud to award a scholarship to one outstanding high school senior who demonstrates an ability to stand up for conservative principles within the public school system! Our goal is to see high school students engaged in and aware of the civil responsibility we all bear. We know that it is not always easy in a high school setting. Deadline for submission is 11:59 pm on March 31, 2021.

One winner will be awarded a $1000 scholarship


The contest is open to high school seniors in public school in counties with a True Texas Project location, which includes the following:

  • Collin County
  • Dallas County
  • Denton County
  • Lubbock County
  • Tarrant County


Video Criteria:

  • Choose a conservative topic that you want to talk about. It can be educational, personal, funny, or whatever you think gets the attention of the average public viewer. Be creative!
  • Make sure to title it with your first and last name!
  • The video should be no longer than 1 minute in length.
  • Share to [email protected] by 11:59 on March 31, 2021

Need some ideas?

  • Share your vision of Conservative America
  • Explain why Conservative America is a healthy America
  • Make an ad for a candidate
  • Do a pretend newscast on any applicable topic
  • Tell us about an adversarial experience that strengthened your conservative values
  • Teach us about the importance of the Constitution
  • Feel free to do something on Texas instead!

The possibilities are endless! Last year’s winner told a story on what makes America great using legos! Just remember… be entertaining and creative!


The leadership team of True Texas Project will do the final judging based on personal opinion as well as feedback received from activists within our organization. The winners will be announced on April 17th, 2021, at our True Texas Project annual event “Texas Proud, Texas Tough,” followed by Facebook, Instagram, and our website. The scholarship will be awarded at the student’s baccalaureate program. All decisions of the Board of True Texas Project are final and indisputable.

Click here to go to the link on our website.

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