President Biden’s team told Senate Democrats that the next wave of federal judges should be diverse, with a focus on “public defenders, civil rights and legal aid attorneys, and those who represent Americans in every walk of life.”
This is huge. Looking beyond corporate lawyers and prosecutors is the approach we need to restore balance and legitimacy to our federal courts after four years of Trump and McConnell.
John, there are currently district court vacancies in Pennsylvania and you can help fill them with diverse lawyers who have spent their careers fighting for justice.
Can you take 30-seconds to email your senators, urging them to fill these vacancies with progressive candidates like civil rights lawyers, labor lawyers, and public defenders? It’ll only take one click!
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Trump and McConnell successfully stacked our federal judiciary with hundreds of extreme ideologues, most of whom were corporate lawyers and prosecutors. For too long – even in Democratic administrations – civil rights lawyers, labor lawyers, and public defenders have been few and far between on the bench.
President Biden has committed to nominating a different kind of judge – focusing on candidates with diverse experiences, on behalf of real people like you and me, and not just big corporations. Now, our senators need to follow through and recommend these lawyers. More than ever, we need to trust that federal judges in our states and our communities can be trusted to safeguard our democracy and our basic rights.
This is how we will restore balance and legitimacy to our courts.
John, send a letter to your senators now, urging them to recommend diverse lawyers committed to justice to fill the federal judgeships in Pennsylvania.
Send a Letter →
Thank you for taking action.
Christopher Kang, Esq.
Co-Founder & Chief Counsel
Demand Justice
Demand Justice is leading the fight to reclaim our courts. With a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate, we can add four seats to the Supreme Court and confirm justices who will safeguard our democracy and our rights. Are you with us? Find out how you can help →