
We started Serve America’s Sedition Caucus fund specifically because of people like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Not only is she one of the most vocal members of the Sedition Caucus who refused to acknowledge the results of the 2020 presidential election, she’s a prolific conspiracy theorist giving voice to QAnon, Pizzagate, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and more. Earlier this month she even filed bogus articles of impeachment against President Biden.

Just this week alone, we saw:

  • Video of Greene accosting 20-year-old Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg for his activism around stronger gun safety laws, and
  • Greene refusing to take responsibility for her own social media posts in 2018 and 2019 advocating for the execution of Democrats.

Her advocacy for extremism and sedition should be condemned by every single Republican Member of Congress.

Will you help us defeat candidates like her in 2022 by rushing a contribution to our Sedition Caucus fund today?

It’s up to us to get organized and build the resources we need to stop dangerous right-wing extremists from being re-elected to Congress next year.

Donald Trump may be gone, but we have work to do to defeat Trumpism. Thanks for taking action.

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