Dear John, DC has committed to carbon neutrality and phasing out fossil fuels, yet the DC government is continuing to subsidize dirty fossil fuels that pollute our climate and pollute our air. If you think DC should end subsidies for fossil fuels, please sign our petition! The DC Sustainable Energy Utility, which is supposed to incentivize clean and efficient energy, pays building owners in DC to install and upgrade energy systems powered by fracked gas. These dirty energy subsidies should NOT exist, and we are asking the DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to fully transition to clean energy. Tell DOEE: No more fossil fuels! Fossil fuels don’t just pollute our climate. Burning fracked gas inside homes emits noxious fumes that are linked to asthma and respiratory issues. Children growing up in homes with gas stoves are 42 percent more likely to have asthma. For our health and our climate, we must stop burning fossil fuels. Please sign our petition asking that DC end subsidies for fracked gas energy systems. Sincerely, -- Have you heard of our advocacy arm, CCAN Action Fund? CCAN Action Fund aims to create change in public policy through voter education, lobbying, and participation in the electoral process. Like CCAN Action Fund on Facebook to stay in the loop: Want to support our work? Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation. Did you receive this email from a friend? Click to sign up for updates. View this email in your web browser CCAN is building a people-powered movement for bold and just solutions to climate change in the Chesapeake region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. We also act as "first-responders" to federal action on the climate crisis and inspire climate action across the country. Update your contact information | Update your email subscriptions You can also unsubscribe at any time. |