Dear Friend,

In his first week in office, Joe Biden has already destroyed more than 10,000 jobs for hardworking American families. Hurting their ability to earn a living in the middle of an economic crisis.

Even worse, this means AOC and her radical agenda are now in charge.

The Keystone Pipeline was just a warm up for AOC and her fellow socialists’ full scale assault on American workers that is coming in their dangerous Green New Deal.

Joe Biden and AOC’s job-killing socialist agenda will decimate hundreds of thousands of more American jobs and will threaten America’s energy independence and empower our adversaries like China. Then they’ll turn around and tell those same struggling families it was all for the greater good.

This disastrous job-killing, anti-energy, socialist Green New Deal must be stopped and we need your help to do it.

By defeating this agenda, we’re helping to rebuild our economy and lower our fellow Americans’ cost of living— things like buying groceries, paying bills, maintaining their dignity, and preserving their right to earn a living.


Andy Barr