Hi Friend,

Continued school closures are hurting children—and government-run schools and teachers unions seem to be putting their own interests before students.

Teachers unions are refusing to negotiate in good faith, with many adding unrelated political demands to reopening talks and some warning that virtual-only schooling could continue through the end of 2021 or even into 2022, long after vaccines will be available to teachers. 

The only way to change the politicized gridlock is with school choice. National School Choice Week could not be more timely or urgent.

Share your story about you or your loved one’s educational experience during the pandemic.
Unfortunately, this year has highlighted just how little parents’ voices matter to public schools. While private schools are fighting to stay open, public schools are fighting to stay closed. What’s the difference? 

When salaries and parent satisfaction are linked, families have the power… not bureaucrats or teachers unions. 

We need to realign the incentives in the public school system with school choice, so parents can really make their voices heard and students can really get the educational experience they need and deserve.

This week is School Choice Week, but we fight for school choice year-round, because parents deserve to have a choice and students deserve to have options when it comes to their education.

Share your story or thoughts about education during the pandemic.


Inez Stepman 
Senior Policy Analyst