NALAF is accepting endorsement applications!

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With Valentine's Day just a little over two weeks away, I want to share a poem we wrote for you:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

We want to endorse people like you!

If you are a New American candidate running an authentic, inclusive campaign rooted in our shared progressive values, then this poem — and our endorsement questionnaire — is for you! 

We are getting ready to endorse the next cohort of bold, progressive candidates as they lead our movement and end politics as usual. We think you (or someone you know!) should be one of them. Apply for NALAF's early endorsement by January 29th! Here are the details on our endorsement application process:

NALAF 2021 Endorsement Graphic

If you're not sure you are ready to apply for endorsement yet but still want our support, then look into our NALAF Champion program! This brand new program gives you the support of your NALAF family and an official recognition without the full endorsement process. Check out the qualifications and apply by the January 29th deadline!

No matter what you decide, know that we've got your back and are proud of the work you're doing to create a democracy that works for and represents all of us!


In solidarity,

Anne Flomenhaft
Political Coordinator
New American Leaders Action Fund

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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© 2020 New American Leaders Action Fund