Check out the KSGOP's new video highlighting Gov. Kelly's failed COVID-19 response
As Kansans clamor for help from the governor’s office to ease the burdens of COVID-19, Democrat Governor Laura Kelly remains missing in action.
Check out our new video Crisis in Kansas which highlights Governor Kelly's failed pandemic response:
Kansas in Crisis
In addition to presiding over one of the most beleaguered COVID-19 vaccine rollouts of any state in the country, Kelly has displayed an ineptness to provide unemployment benefits to those in need in a timely manner. Instead of providing answers to Kansans inquiring as to when they would receive unemployment benefits, Kelly admitted that she could not give the people a “clear answer.”
Problems have persisted with the state’s Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program since the onset of the pandemic, and with a recent announcement from the governor that the state will not issue unemployment benefits in the next few days, Kansans are desperate for Kelly to do her job.
This is why we need your help to make sure Laura Kelly is a one-term governor.
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