For far too long the people of the District of Columbia have been denied their right of self-governance and have faced taxation without representation. This injustice must end.

Washington, DC should be a state. And we can make it one.

After decades of organizing by committed activists and community leaders, serious momentum is building to finally provide the people of DC with voting representation in Congress and the right to self-governance.

Last year, the House passed legislation to make Washington, DC a state. And this week, we introduced companion legislation in the Senate to do the same.

Democrats now have a slim majority in the Senate and we need to use it to finally deliver the same fundamental rights to the people of Washington, DC that are afforded to residents of the other 50 states.

Add your name to call on the U.S. Senate to pass legislation making Washington, DC our nation's 51st state. With enough public pressure, we can get this done >>

This situation is shameful and has gone on for too long. On January 6th, DC leaders had to get the Trump Administration's approval before they could deploy National Guard troops to protect the Capitol complex.

The fact is: DC residents pay more in federal income tax than residents of 22 other states, but DC residents have no say over how those tax dollars are spent. This must end.

I'm going to do everything in my power to get this done, but I need you with me. Add your name to demand statehood for Washington, DC NOW >>

The people of DC deserve full representation. They can’t do this without us.

Thank you.
