PFAW Member, Right-wing senators’ actual argument against convicting Trump seems to amount to this: it’s perfectly okay for the president to incite a violent insurrection against the U.S. government as long as he does it close enough to the end of his term to avoid a Senate trial while still in office. With the possible exception of criminal prosecution, nothing other than conviction and disqualification by the Senate will truly send the message to future presidents that they cannot get away with rallying a seditious mob to attempt a coup. But enough right-wing senators to block Trump’s conviction already voted this week for a resolution by Sen. Rand Paul saying the upcoming impeachment trial is unconstitutional! Even though the House IMPEACHED Trump while he was still in office … and even though there is clear historical precedent for the impeachment and conviction (and disqualification from holding future office) of a federal official who has already left office. Here’s the deal: We CANNOT let Trump off the hook for concocting and spreading the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, and inciting a seditious mob of his supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol. And we CANNOT let members of Congress off the hook for helping to incite insurrection by amplifying Trump’s conspiracy theories and objecting to the certification of the election results. This means, in the short term, ramping up MAJOR PRESSURE on senators over the next few weeks, leading up to and through the Senate impeachment trial, and then, building a long-term campaign to hold every senator who votes to absolve Trump of his unprecedented attack on our country ACCOUNTABLE (with public pressure, congressional action, and, in some cases, removal from office). Our end-of-month deadline is only three days away and we’re $31,144 short of our online goal – which, with just over a week to go until the Senate trial begins, we need to hit in order to hold Trump, his congressional enablers, and other right-wing insurrectionists accountable for their assault on our democracy. Will you please renew your 2021 support with a generous end-of-month donation now? This work is VITAL to reestablishing our country’s commitment to democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. Even with Trump out of office, without established safeguards and real accountability, our constitutional system will not survive. Thank you for standing with us. -- Ben Betz, Digital & Organizing