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Advocacy and Government Relations:
CHBA BC’s engagement with the provincial government is off to an active start for 2021. This month, a series of virtual meetings were held with the Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing, David Eby; Minister of Municipal Affairs, Josie Osborne; Senior Ministry of Environment staff; and lastly a meeting with Parliamentary Secretary for Skills Training, MLA Andrew Mercier.
The purpose of these meetings was to establish the association's commitment to work in partnership with this government and identify ways to work with each other to achieve mutual housing objectives. Several subjects were covered at a high level, including the growing complexities around bringing housing supply forward, the importance of DAPR, standardizing training for building inspectors, industry perspectives around implementing the BC Step Code, labour challenges, trade skills' development, and intentions to proceed with compulsory trades.
CHBA BC is following up with staff on many of these subjects to determine timing of work and opportunities for the association to be further engaged as a stakeholder. You can contact Carmina Tupe the Director for Government Relations for any questions or feedback at [email protected].
2021 Georgie Awards Finalists Announced
Last week the finalists for the 2021 Georgie Awards were announced in our newsletter, website, social media and a direct email blast to members. Congratulations once again to all of our finalists and thank you to all who entered this year. We look forward to seeing you all virtually at the awards show on March 20th.
For all those who may have missed out, you can find the news release here.
Have Your Say to Improve Part 9 Energy Code Compliance
BC Hydro
FortisBC, in partnership with BC Hydro, is conducting a province-wide survey on energy code compliance for Part 9 Residential buildings. Targeted respondents include building industry practitioners and building officials with recent experience meeting or enforcing energy code requirements. Your anonymous responses will help policy makers to identify barriers and opportunities to improve the code compliance process.
The survey is open until January 31 and should take 15 minutes to complete. For any questions, please contact Sarah ([email protected]).
Continuing Education
Reducing Costs for Step Code through Design and Planning (webinar)
March 12, 2021
4 CPD points
This webinar will take a deeper dive into some of the BC Energy Step Code metrics and how to achieve them through design and building techniques to minimize extra cost. Using real-world examples from local climates, we will examine why some designs fail where others pass easily. This session is geared towards building and design professionals. Instruction will assume a basic understanding of the BC Energy Step Code.
- 1st or 2nd mortgages
- Fully open terms
- Quick turn around on draws
What's the story with lumber? And where to from here
CHBA National
January 28, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST
While the positive story of 2020 has been a strong housing market, lumber shortages and skyrocketing prices hampered business and affordability, and are still with us as we start 2021. Join CHBA National CEO Kevin Lee and a panel of lumber experts in a webinar exclusively for CHBA members to get the full story on lumber, including where we go from here.
CHBA members who join the live broadcast will have the opportunity to ask questions of the panel.
BCREA 2021 First Quarter Housing Update
Business Examiner
Multiple Listing Service (MLS) residential sales in the province are forecast to rise 15.6 per cent to 108,680 units this year, after recording 94,021 sales in 2020. In 2022, MLS residential sales are forecast to pull back 9 per cent to 98,850 units.
“After an unprecedented and often surprising performance in 2020, the provincial housing market is set up for a very strong year in 2021,” said Brendon Ogmundson, BCREA Chief Economist. “A strong economic recovery and record-low mortgage rates will continue to drive strong demand this year.”
On the supply side, new listings activity recovered through the second half of 2020, but not nearly enough to see any accumulation in overall inventory. As a result, market conditions will start 2021 very tight, with the potential for strong price increases through the spring and summer until new supply comes online. We are forecasting a 7.7 per cent rise in the MLS average price this year, followed by a further 3 per cent in 2022.

7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063