
Pennsylvania’s legislative majority is advancing an unprecedented bill that would take voters’ power over our courts away, eviscerate judicial independence and disenfranchise millions of voters. 

Right now, you get to vote for every state Supreme Court justice and Commonwealth Court judge when an opening arises. This proposal would allow legislators to draw judicial districts and you’d only get to vote in your district. The result: judges will beholden to politics, not the people, law or Constitution.

The proposal just passed out of the House Judiciary Committee by ONE vote. Your action right now could stop it from going further.

Tell your Representative: This alarming gerrymandering scheme would politicize Pennsylvania's courts. Vote no.

A few years ago, gun extremists in the legislature passed a late night bill that would have granted anyone, including extremist white supremacist groups, special status to sue cities and towns over their gun laws. Luckily, the Courts stepped in and invalidated this outrageous law. But now partisan legislators want to take away the court’s ability to be a neutral referee. 

This bill would give the legislature unchecked power over the courts while stealing the voice of Pennsylvania voters in selecting and holding accountable 90% of statewide judges. Never in our history has such an effort been made to disenfranchise voters and politicize the judicial branch. 

Tell your legislator to oppose this dangerous power grab.


Adam Garber
CeaseFirePA Executive Director

P.O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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