John: Now you can stand – safely – with those who have put their health and safety on the line for us!
Join us on February 3rd and/or February 4th for the (virtual) 2021 Essential Worker Legislative Action Days: Click here now to RSVP.

It’s time for all of us in the labor movement to stand with essential workers and make sure that elected officials in Annapolis protect those who have protected us --- healthcare workers to bus operators, grocery store workers to teachers and more --- with hazard pay, paid leave, PPE, safe working conditions and free testing. The Maryland Essential Workers Protection Act, supported by the Metro Washington Council and a coalition of advocates, will provide those protections. 

The 2021 Essential Worker Legislative Action Days will take place online from 9:30a to 12:30p on Wednesday, February 3rd and Thursday, February 4th. Join us for either or both days, for as long as you like. Click here now to RSVP.

With your support and participation, we can protect the essential workers who have been protecting, caring for, and serving all of us throughout this pandemic. 


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