RSVP now to be part of our exciting Federal Strategy Campaign meeting on February 2nd.

Greetings John,

My name is Alexandra and I share full-time care responsibilities for my beloved mother and support to my stepfather. I have also had the pleasure of being a Caring Across Generations Care Fellow for the past five months. I became a caregiver very abruptly at the beginning of the pandemic when my mom was discharged from the rehab facility just a few short days before the first statewide shelter-in-place order. It hasn’t always been easy, but I believe that through community organizing we can turn pain into power. This is why I invite you to join our first Federal Campaign Strategy Meeting!

Federal Campaign Strategy Meeting
February 2
7pm Eastern

During the call, we will get to know one another and dive into our federal strategy to include Home and Community Based Services in the relief and recovery packages that Congress will debate in the coming weeks. We will also learn more about the need for a permanent solution to the lack of support for Home and Community Based services and the HCBS Access Act that Caring Across is pushing to pass. Most importantly, we want to include you in our plans to win in 2021, starting with our Week of Action, February 16-19.

Again, please come join us next Tuesday, February 2nd from 7 pm — 8:30 pm EST. Can’t wait to come together in the fight for a care infrastructure that is equitable, affordable, and accessible for all!

Until Tuesday,
Alex and the entire Care Fellowship crew