Fellow Conservative, I am officially running for Governor of Virginia because our great state needs a change. As you know, we are nearly one year into this devastating pandemic. And yet career politicians in Richmond are more focused on wasting time and money renaming schools rather than reopening schools. Our children are paying the price for Richmond’s systemic incompetence. Career politicians in Richmond are too busy catering to special interests and have no plan to get our kids back in school or help our state recover… but I do. Fellow Conservative, I know your family deserves better. That’s why as your next Governor, I would fight to put our children and families first, so we all benefit. As a proven job creator, innovator, and a disrupter, I will bring something new to Richmond, and I hope you will join my efforts. Fellow Conservative, I am not running for Governor to be another rubber stamp for career politicians and their petty games. I am running to create real change across our state. I know that Virginians deserve better leadership, and I am prepared to bring common sense to Richmond. Chip in any amount you can afford today to give my campaign a big boost as I look to disrupt the status quo in Richmond!  ÂTake a moment to watch my new ad, and I hope you will consider helping my team and I succeed! Thank you,
PO BOX 26141, Alexandria, VA 22313 LibertyBell.com Freedom Corps, LLC 16192 Coastal Hwy Lewes, DE 19958 Â