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Thursday, January 28th, 2021

The First POWs of the Second American Revolution

Becky Akers

Milking the Capitol Melee for All It’s Worth

Jacob G. Hornberger

The Constitution Is Not For Sale

Andrew P. Napolitano

How Long Before Washington’s Demonization of Russia, China, and Iran Leads to War?

Paul Craig Roberts

Covid: If They Haven’t Isolated the Virus, How Can They Make a Vaccine?

Jon Rappoport

A Public Persona in Public Space

What will the dress clothes of the future look like? James Howard Kunstler

I’ve Just Started Taking Hydoxychloroquine Prophylactically

Robert W. Felix

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed

Matt Ehret

Global Warming: Facts vs. Media Misrepresentation

Jack Hellner

Bravery, Beaten Out

Bionic Mosquito

Unsound Banking: Why Most of the World’s Banks Are Headed for Collapse

Doug Casey

Xi Reads Multilateral Riot Act to Virtual Davos

Xi shows the contrast between Asia’s relative serenity and the chaos engulfing the West’s top power centers. Pepe Escobar

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