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PACKING THE COURT: Biden Launches Commission On ‘Supreme Court Reform’
Fraudulently stealing the election so that the Democrat party of treason controlled the levers of power of the three branches of government. But even that is not enough for the new Nazi party.

Biden Launches Commission On ‘Supreme Court ...

Democrats introduce bill to make Washington D.C. the 51st State
Democrats introduce bill to make Washington D.C. the 51st State that a one party communist state is virtually assured. And mind you, it's only week one.

Imagine if a hostile enemy state managed to hijack a U.S, Presidential election and then ...

Fascist Facebook Hires Biden Transition, Obama Admin Official as VP of ‘Civil Rights’
The fix is in. Who watches the watchman?

Facebook Hires Biden Transition, Obama Admin Official as VP of ‘Civil Rights’

By Petr Svab, The Epoch Times, January 27, 2021:

Facebook has hired Roy Austin, former Obama administration ...

BLOODY HELL: Fraudulent ☭ Biden Administration INDICTS Social Media Influencer For A Funny Meme
Imagine, second indictment this week and it's only week one. America is finished.

Who made this call?

“Mackey and his co-conspirators used Twitter’s messaging functions to discuss and refine Memes and used Twitter‘s tweet function to ...

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings
This is fascist America.

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, January 27, 2021:

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be ...

Illegitimate Biden Admin Fires Heads Of U.S.-Funded International Broadcasters Over ‘Trump Support’
They were escorted from the building. The actions of a villain ….. it's a Mao-ist cultural revolution

Biden Admin Fires Heads Of U.S.-Funded International Broadcasters Over Alleged Trump Support

By Joseph Curl, Daily Wire, January 28, ...

Senator Cruz grills Biden’s U.N. ambassador nominee over high praise of China
Every pick worse than the next. Not one proud American – all stooges for our worst enemies.


Biden’s U.N. ambassador nominee to face criticism for past praise of China

By Washington Post, January 27, 2021

The No. 1 ...

Republicans press Beijing 🇨🇳 Biden’s disastrous cabinet pick for energy secretary Janet Granholm at confirmation hearing
Another disastrous cabinet pick by President Biden. As governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm implemented a radical environmentalist agenda. The results are below. Shame on the union heads in the energy industry for endorsing Joe Biden for POTUS. ...

Tulsi Gabbard SLAMS Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Big Tech as ‘DOMESTIC ENEMIES’ more dangerous than Capitol protesters
She slams Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Big Tech as “domestic enemies” more dangerous than Capitol protesters. Coming from a Democrat …..

Related: Tulsi Gabbard: Domestic-Terrorism Bill Is “TARGETING ALMOST HALF THE COUNTRY”

We must ...

Illegitimate ‘President” Biden to STOP oil and gas sales on public lands
EVERY action of the fraudulent administration is hostile to Americans.

Biden issues 60 day moratorium on federal land drilling – despite saying he would NEVER ban fracking – after killing thousands of jobs by canceling the $9BN Keystone XL ...

Morally Deprived Biden Looks Straight Into Camera, Says America Is ‘Morally Deprived’
America was stolen but the morally depraved Democrat party.

Biden is illegitimate. It's a coup d'etat.

Hat tip Flag and Cross

Holocaust Remembrance Day
Silence about antisemitism is tantamount to sanction.

Related: The Left's mainstreaming of anti-Semitism continues apace

On Holocaust Remembrance Day: Silence About Antisemitism Allowing People To Forget

Silence Will Allow Never Again, ...

Fraudulent Administration Issues Reichstag-Inspired National “Terrorism” Threat Bulletin
The Reichstag Fire was a dramatic arson attack occurring on February 27, 1933, which burned the building that housed the Reichstag (German parliament) in Berlin. Claiming the fire was part of a Communist attempt to overthrow the government, the ...

American Who Was Political Prisoner in Iran Slams Possible Appointment of Robert Malley as Special Envoy
The appointment of Robert Malley to be the U.S special envoy to the Islamic Republic of Iran is a total disgrace, as Malley has been a long time apologist for the terror regime. This appointment has been condemned by Xiyue Wang. An American who was ...

Joe Biden nominates hard-left governor for commerce secretary
Watch commerce secretary nominee Governor Gina Raimondo's exchange with Senator Rick Scott. Like transportation secretary nominee Pete Buttigieg, Gina Raimondo supports raising taxes on middle class families to pay for the radical environmentalist ...

Fraudulent “President” Biden CAVES to Teachers’ Union, Keeps Schools Shut Despite No Risk for Kids
FIRE THEM ALL. Are those destroyers still being paid? There is no COVID risk for kids. More kids are dying from suicides.

They are destroying our children.

School district pushes to reopen in-person classes after surge in suicides during ...

“President” Biden Exhausted Before Signing Executive Orders
As has been said repeatedly here at the Geller Report, America did not vote for this.

Now, witness “President” Biden losing focus while signing a stack of Executive Orders. Instead of using one of the many pens placed on the table, he ...

Biden climate change order to tell federal agencies to destroy fossil fuel subsidies
President Biden's relentless assault on the energy industry continues. All at the behest of the radical environmentalists. Will America's energy industry even be salvageable in four years? What will Texas, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and other energy ...

ILLEGITIMATE: Beijing ☭ Biden Signs Executive Order BANNING the Term “China Virus”
The Chi-Com OWNED vegetable in the White House made no such proclamation on the new strains – ie African, Brazil etc ….

WATCH: Biden in October 2020: You Can’t Legislate Through Executive Orders ‘Unless You’re a Dictator’
Tyrannical Biden SHATTERS Previous Record for Executive Orders in First Week

Shattering previous presidential records for signing executive orders, President Joe Biden has made a staggering number of mandates his first week in office. He has ...


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