It's time!!!

Get your event tickets NOW.

Our 3 most-recent events all sold out, and this will too.

Tonight tickets are offered exclusively to our email list.
Tomorrow they will be released on social media!


Texas Tough, Texas Proud!

Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM CDT

Southfork Ranch

"Texas Tough, Texas Proud!" We believe that describes True Texans perfectly!  And it's something worth celebrating!  What better way to do that than by celebrating Victory at San Jacinto - the day Texas won her independence! This event is one that you DO NOT want to miss.

True Texas Project has an AMAZING night lined up for you!
Undercover activist JAMES O'KEEFE!
And...  FIREWORKS!!!

Location: Southfork Ranch, 3700 Hogge Dr, Parker TX  75022

Featured Speaker: James O’Keefe of Project Veritas
Also featuring: Pastor Greg Locke
MC:  Chris Salcedo of The Chris Salcedo Show

Attire: Black Tie Optional

General Admission - $115 (6:30pm arrival, dinner, dancing, speakers, fireworks)
VIP - $175 (5:30pm reception & photos w/speakers, dinner, dancing, speakers, fireworks)
Table of 8 - $1100 (2 VIP tickets, 6 General Admission tickets, table card, listing in program)

If you are interested in being featured as one of this year’s sponsors, please reach out to [email protected] for more details.


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