The intelligent design behind computer programming should inform our understanding of the origins of biological life.

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January 27, 2021
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Plant Diversity and Computer Programming

In this insightful article, Walter Myers III compares the genetic codes that give us a vast variety of plant types with the digital codes that inform our smartphones, thermostats, and security systems. The intelligent design behind computer programming, he argues, should inform our understanding of the origins of biological organisms.

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Video: Alfred Russel Wallace Quote on Intelligent Design

Watch this new 30-second video, featuring a quote from Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer of evolution alongside Darwin. Less known is the fact that he was a proponent of intelligent design, made evident by his own words in this video. Be sure to share with your friends.

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Mystery Scientist Revealed: Casey Luskin Will Speak at Our Dallas Conference

Casey Luskin has returned to Discovery from his PhD work in South Africa and will be speaking at the Dallas Conference on Science & Faith on February 20. The conference is both in person and online, so be sure to register and reserve your spot today!

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Intelligent Design as an Invitation

Who are we? Why are we here? If there was no design to the universe, these questions would be absurd. Intelligent design invites us to ask those questions because it gives us hope that we are not alone in the universe. Read more about what historical scientists have to say on the matter in this article by David Klinghoffer.

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Yes, Intelligent Design is Detectable by Science

Stephen C. Meyer tackles the question, “Is Intelligent Design detectable by science?” The evidence of design, Meyer argues, is found not only in living cells but also in the findings of modern physics. Many physicists today argue that “the dials in the cosmic control room appear finely-tuned because someone carefully fine-tuned them.”

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Calendar  Upcoming Events

Dallas Conference On Science & Faith 2021
February 20, 2021
Denton, TX and Online

Video  Videos

Great Minds: Medved, Richards Ask “Are We Alone in the Universe?”
What are the implications if there is no other life, intelligent or otherwise?
A Summary of the Evidence for Intelligent Design
Presented by mathematician Granville Sewell in less than 12 minutes.
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, PhD talks about the Case for Intelligent Design
An in-depth presentation on intelligent design and other scientific theories.

IDTF  ID the Future
  CSC Podcast

Casey Luskin Returns, Teases a New Book, Celebrates ID 3.0
January 27, 2021
Casey Luskin’s South Africa Adventures
January 25, 2021
No, Scientists Should Not Rule
January 22, 2021
Donate to the CSC

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