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NSS chief executive Stephen Evans says compulsory education on relationships, sex and health is a positive development - but the government has been
reluctant to confront religious interests. (Scroll down)
The government was "too slow to respond" to "mob" protests over LGBT teaching outside Birmingham schools, according to the lead counter-extremism
commissioner Sara Khan.
Matthew Ineson, a former vicar who was raped by a Bradford priest when he was a teenager, has told an inquiry that senior Church of England clerics ignored
his claims.
A letter criticising a move by MPs to liberalise the abortion laws in Northern Ireland, addressed to Theresa May, was handed out at Catholic church services
China has been urged to stop its mass detention of Uighur Muslims by 22 members of the United Nations Human Rights Council in the first such joint move on
the issue.
A Baltimore-based Catholic religious order that sponsors schools across the US has released a list of dozens of members accused of sexually abusing children.
The press regulator is consulting on guidelines which will inform the way stories about Islam and Muslims are reported. It must not endorse taboos which shut
down debate and harm social cohesion, says Chris Sloggett.
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