Team —

For the past four years, we’ve witnessed Donald Trump and the GOP whittle down our democracy with their voter suppression, misinformation, dark money, and attacks on our democratic elections.

To be clear, there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Yet Trump and his loyalists continue to insist that this imaginary problem must be prevented through voter ID laws, restrictions on vote-by-mail, purging voter rolls, and other limitations that only serve to suppress the vote.

We should be making it easier, not harder, for Americans to vote and participate in our democracy.

That’s why one of our first pieces of legislation introduced in this Congress is the For the People Act: a set of reforms to expand voting rights and strengthen our democracy by fighting voter suppression, gerrymandering, dark money, and more.

Add your name to become a citizen cosponsor of the For the People Act and urge the Senate to pass it ASAP.

By passing this resolution, we can:

  • Create automatic voter registration, same-day voter registration on Election Day, and fifteen days of early voting in federal elections;
  • Stop the GOP from purging voter rolls;
  • Reverse the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and get dark money out of politics by requiring political entities to disclose all high-dollar donors;
  • End the disenfranchisement of formerly incarcerated people.

Naturally, many Senate Republicans oppose this ambitious set of reforms, because they believe and have publicly admitted that stronger voting rights threaten Republicans’ chances of winning elections. There’s a reason they want to continue suppressing the vote, but we can’t let them.

Join me in supporting the For the People Act so we can restore our democracy and put more power back in the hands of the people.


— Cory