I just got off the phone with my finance team.

And right now things aren’t looking good.

I’m coming up $15,089 short -- and my FIRST fundraising deadline of 2021 is only 4 days away.

You know I hate asking, but quite frankly, the GOP isn’t wasting any time raising boatloads of cash to destroy my chances of getting back to Congress. I need to rebuild my campaign and can’t afford to miss this first goal. Can I count on you to chip in $5 now? >>

Let me explain why your donation has never been more impactful:

Right now, Democrats control the House, the Senate, AND the White House! This is an incredible opportunity to drive progressive change and improve the lives of Americans.

But on Election Day, a shocking number of vulnerable Democrats lost their seats -- including me.

Now our grip on the majority is hanging on by a thread.

The GOP is in it for the long haul. We can’t put our guard down while they are ramping up their efforts.

I need to start investing in the resources needed to win back my seat now, or the GOP’s latest cash blitz will wipe me out -- and cost us the House. That hinges on hitting my $15,089 goal.

I know you understand what is at stake here, so I’m asking: Can you chip in before it is too late?

Chip in $5 now >>
Chip in $25 now >>
Chip in $50 now >>
Chip in $100 now >>
Chip in $250 now >>
Chip in a custom amount >>

Thank you,


Paid for by TJ Cox for Congress

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