While Gardner gets ready to schmooze with Trump and his allies, we're going to be sprinting to meet our goals before Monday's deadline with the help of people like you.
Hickenlooper for Colorado |

Team, next week Cory Gardner heads to a three-day fundraiser for Donald Trump.

That’s an awful lot of time to spend rubbing elbows with wealthy donors and special interests in support of a president that the vast majority of Coloradans disapprove of. But while Gardner’s hobnobbing with his fellow Trump supporters, we’re keeping our eye on the prize here in Colorado: winning this Senate seat.

Monday marks our first FEC filing deadline of this campaign. On that report, we’ll be showing everyone not only how much we’ve raised, but how different our team looks from Gardner’s.

We’re not taking a dime from corporate PACs. We’re depending on a grassroots team made up of people from across Colorado—teachers, park rangers, small business owners, folks who go to work every day to make our communities a better place. These people deserve another great voice advocating for them in the U.S. Senate.

While Gardner gets ready to schmooze with Trump and his allies, we’re going to be sprinting to meet our goals before Monday’s deadline with the help of people like you. Now’s your chance to be on the record as an early supporter of this campaign—chip in now before our deadline.

Thank you,
Team Hick





Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

P.O. Box 18886, Denver, CO 80218

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