Below is an early 2021 conversation between Sami and Eloise.
Eloise: Can I ask you a dumb question? |
Sami: Always, my friend. |
Eloise: I think I know what the filibuster is… but why are progressives so eager to get rid of it?
Sami: That’s not a dumb question -- it’s a great question! Eliminating the filibuster is going to be a top priority for Democrats this year because it will open the door to passing all sorts of reform. A filibuster is a procedural maneuver that allows just 40 Senators to band together to effectively block *any* piece of legislation.
Eloise: Got it. So even though Democrats have the majority in both the Senate and the House, conservative senators can use the filibuster to obstruct the things we want to pass this year.
Sami: Exactly. Plus, the filibuster is a relic from the Jim Crow era, so it has a deeply racist history. In the 20th century, it was used routinely to slow, water down, and defeat landmark civil rights legislation and anti-lynching bills. For the past six years, the Senate has been Mitch McConnell’s legislative graveyard, a constant block on progress -- he and his GOP colleagues intend to use the filibuster to keep it that way.
Eloise: Then it’s definitely time to get rid of it.
Since this convo, the full Stand Up America team formally rolled out our first 100 day priorities for the new administration -- and ending the filibuster is chief among them. With Biden in office, we can work on the offensive to pass bold voting rights and anti-corruption reform, changes that will make our democracy more just, more equitable, and more inclusive.
But these victories are not assured, especially if the filibuster continues to block key bills. It’s going to be a fight every step of the way, which is why we need you with us taking action to build as much support as possible for these reforms.

Below are the federal fights we’ll be prioritizing in the first 100 days of Biden’s presidency. Read up -- then take action on each one by either sending an email to or calling your lawmakers.
Ending the Filibuster For decades, the filibuster has given a minority of senators the ability to hold legislation hostage. We’re working to get rid of this antiquated hurdle and open the door to bold change.
The For the People Act The For the People Act is a sweeping democracy reform bill that puts power where it belongs: with the voters.
The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act would combat racist voter suppression that has purged tens of millions of voters from the rolls and closed thousands of polling places.
D.C. Statehood The Washington, D.C. Admission Act would admit the district as the 51st state, naming it the “Washington, Douglass Commonwealth” and enfranchising 700,000 people.
The Protecting Our Democracy Act The Protecting Our Democracy Act would prevent any future president from corrupting executive power the way Donald Trump did, from profiting from the presidency to abusing the pardon power.
If you’re thinking this to-do list is a little daunting, just remember: Democrats are in control of the White House and both the House and the Senate. Now is the time to dream big and fight hard for progressive reform. We’ll be in it together every step of the way.
 Big deep breath, say it with us: Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Wow, that felt good.
Glad to have you with us in 2021!
Eloise and Sami
