Dear ally,
As one of our most dedicated supporters, you know that the fight for reproductive rights spans the globe. Communities worldwide continue to face increased levels of inequality, discrimination, and human rights violations.
Last summer, we worked with our partners at CARE International in Uganda to launch a new pilot program to protect the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women and girls in one of the country’s largest refugee settlements, the Adjumani settlement.
Through this venture, we are once again taking our work beyond the courtroom to ensure that everyone—no matter who they are or where they're from—is provided the dignity to make decisions about their own reproductive care.
Please, will you renew your support for the Center by midnight on January 31 to defend reproductive rights around the world?
When you do, you'll receive your 2021 supporter card to carry with you as a symbol of your commitment to this global fight.
Women at Adjumani face numerous barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health services. In addition, an overall lack of accountability within the refugee settlement puts them at heightened risk for SRHR violations.
Using a human rights-based approach, this initiative establishes an accountability system for SRHR violations. The program trains elected community representatives and health volunteers and implements community-led structures for monitoring, reviewing, and responding to SRHR complaints and feedback.
This Uganda pilot is just the latest in our efforts to advance reproductive rights around the world, following our work in other refugee communities. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, we are taking on some of the greatest threats to reproductive rights around the world.
Please make a gift of $35 or more today to renew your support and ensure we’re ready to respond to any threat to reproductive rights.
Thank you,
Center for Reproductive Rights