
Did you see my message? My team and I are hosting a webinar this week, and we want you to join! 2021 will have many opportunities to push for policies that can meaningfully prevent violence. You can be a part of this change.

National Policy Webinar: Passing Laws for Student Safety in 2021

Thursday, Jan. 28, 2 p.m. EST

Learn about Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund’s efforts to advance policies in the year ahead.

I hope to see you then!

Nalini Ramachandran
National Engagement Manager

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nalini Ramachandran
Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2021
Subject: Join us: Take action for student safety in 2021


We’re starting 2021 with big updates to share with you.

This month’s horrifying events at the U.S. Capitol have shown us that violence continues to permeate our nation. Preventing violence and dismantling hate couldn’t be more important. We’re pushing for policies that make us safer – from universal background checks to school violence prevention programs – because we know change is possible.

You are a critical part of this change. Your advocacy has already helped pass lifesaving legislation, and we need people like you on board to move new policies forward. Will you join us?

Join Mark Barden, co-founder of Sandy Hook Promise, and members of the Action Fund team for our National Policy Webinar. Learn about our plans to advance violence prevention across the country and find out how you can take action.

National Policy Webinar: Passing Laws for Student Safety in 2021

Thursday, Jan. 28, 2 p.m. EST

Learn about Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund’s efforts to advance policies in the year ahead.

Can’t join? Register anyway to receive the recording later.

We have so much in store for 2021 – we hope you can join us.

Nalini Ramachandran

Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund

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