
Last year, I ran a TV ad warning about how my opponent and Democrats wanted to eliminate energy jobs right here in Texas. Many people said I was exaggerating and Democrats would not end oil and gas permitting or kill off energy jobs...

...but lo and behold, Joe Biden just signed an executive order halting all permitting for gas and oil rights on federals lands. This dangerous policy will crush jobs in this country, many of them in Texas.

Biden and the Democrats do not understand energy jobs are all around us. Restaurants, construction, and transportation all depend on the energy industry. With many businesses struggling during this pandemic, decimating good-paying, middle-class jobs for working families is utterly despicable.  

With total control in DC and Nancy Pelosi running a House of Socialists, we will continue to see reckless policies like this. That is why I need your help TODAY TO TAKE BACK THE HOUSE! 

I was elected with less than 50% of the vote, that's why Pelosi and her extremist allies are already attacking me! If we do not keep our district RED then we do not flip the House. Can you chip in $24 today to help keep TX-24 RED?
Only with your support will we flip the House red and return conservative leadership to DC!

Thank you,

Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress