Just In: In The freedom of association is under attack. Independent Women's Law Center Director Jennifer C. Braceras asks in USA Today, "will the Supreme Court protect it? Share this story.
Special Education Edition for National School Choice Week

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"Unfortunately, it has become clear that public schools care more about union interests than their students. Sadly in too many parts of the country, private schools have fought to stay open, while public schools have fought to stay closed. School choice would give families leverage and options, two things many currently lack."

Inez Stepman, IWF senior policy analyst

"Schools—private, public, and charter—would compete to keep students enrolled and do all they could to accommodate parents. In other words, school choice would make schools act as if they were essential—and they are. That’s why my message to parents, students, fellow educators, and policymakers...push for more school choice and demand more from schools."

Auguste Meyrat, high school English teacher



The Public School Teachers Union Strikes Again

In Northern Virginia, the local public school administration has been a disgrace throughout the entire pandemic. There is no talk of going back to in-person learning anytime soon. In fact, the head of the Fairfax County teachers union recently said schools should remain closed until every child is vaccinated, failing to mention of course that the FDA has yet to approve the vaccination for children. Perhaps that’s the point. Despite this, public school teachers have been deemed vaccination priorities. Yes, that’s right, the ones sitting in the comfort of their own homes with no forthcoming plans to return to in-person learning are the priorities. 




A Mom and Teacher’s Pandemic Plea: Don’t Take Away Choice

As both a mom and a history teacher, Lauren Holman is experiencing the stresses of COVID-19 from both sides.
“It’s been nearly impossible for us to do,” she said of her family’s effort to navigate the rules and regulations handed down since the onset of the pandemic.
Learn more.



Student Loan Debt and Forgiveness

Student loan forgiveness plans are gaining steam, especially as Democrats take control of all three branches of the federal government. But underlying student debt is an issue few want to talk about: the problem of college cost. 

Can you guess which of these statements about loan forgiveness is not true?
A.  Student loan debt is becoming a large crisis for millions of younger Americans.
B.  The taxpayer is already on the hook for unpaid student loans.
C.  Student loan forgiveness is a way to help out working class Americans.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Hear Julie Gunlock, host of IWF's "Bespoke Parenting Hour," on why school choice is more important than ever this year. Hear it here.
    Or listen on your favorite podcast app:        
  • Next Episode: Listen to IWF senior policy analyst Inez Stepman discuss the student debt crisis this Friday (1/29) at 9 a.m. ET. Hear it here.



Has Pandemic Learning Affected Your Child’s Learning?

The COVID-19 pandemic has awakened millions to the ugly truth that in our public schools, students often come last. Nearly a year into the pandemic, far too many public schools are still not open. Share your story about how the pandemic has affected your child’s learning and well-being. 


The K-12 Public School COVID Response Shows Why Gov't Daycare Is a Non-Starter

Political leaders know that coronavirus’s disruption in childcare, including the care provided by public schools to the vast majority of children ages 5 to 18, is a slow-motion catastrophe. Four in 10 workers have children under age 18. If our massive public schools, which receive a total of $739 billion in taxpayer money each year—or more than $14,000 per pupil on average—have largely been unable to get it together to provide consistent in-person instruction and care for their students, why would a public daycare system, such as that imagined by Senator Elizabeth Warren, be any more successful?  

The Silent Majority of Teachers

As parents, one thing we should recognize is the good public school teacher who remains stuck within a difficult system and who faces enormous pressure to conform. If you recognize one of these teachers, talk to them, show them support, and praise them for the thankless work they do to help children gain a solid educational foundation and an appreciation of our country.
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