DATE: January 27, 2021
CONTACT: Jason Savage ([email protected])

Mills Admits Maine Cannot Afford Her Budget

AUGUSTA, ME-- Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas released the following statement regarding Gov. Janet Mills' outrageous explanation of why she is taxing struggling Maine businesses to pay for her bloated budget:

"Janet Mills continues to attempt to justify her disastrous new 'pandemic tax', but it appears she is completely missing the reason for the public outcry against it," said Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. "The problem is not that Maine can't afford to waive the tax on PPP pandemic aid loans, the problem is that Maine taxpayers can't afford Janet Mills and her bloated budget. By irresponsibly spending beyond her means and bloating Maine's budget, Janet Mills has created a scenario that requires her administration to prey on Maine's struggling small businesses. That isn't right, and do not let Janet Mills try to trick you into thinking otherwise."
WABI Headline of Governor Mills' attack on Maine Small Businesses