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Having the option to send their children to an integrated school is "illusory" for many parents, a study has found. Of Northern Ireland's school-aged population, only 7 per cent attend the integrated sector.
No date has been set for the introduction of Northern Ireland-wide abortion services because the issue is still being considered by the Executive, the Department of Health has said.
Victims of rape and incest were put in homes for unmarried mothers and their children in Northern Ireland and victimised again, the first minister has said.
Nelson McCausland, former DUP minister and current Education Authority board member, has been accused of endorsing conversion therapy after he shared a story of a gay man who "met Jesus" and turned straight.
The man's wife agreed and said he would not want have wanted to be a burden. His mother, sisters and a niece disagreed. They said that, because of his Catholic beliefs, the man would not have wanted his life to be terminated if it could be preserved.
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has urged coordinated global action to build an alliance against the growth and spread of neo-Nazism and white supremacy and the resurgence of xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and hate speech sparked partly by the Covid-19 pandemic.
A group of UN experts has criticised Sri Lanka's requirement that those who die of COVID-19 be cremated, even it goes against a family's religious beliefs.
NSS head of education Alastair Lichten is joined by Sam Fitzsimmons and Matthew Milliken to discuss the range of challenges facing Northern Ireland's divided education system, and their hopes for the future.
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