From Joe Jackson <[email protected]>
Subject Colorado GOP Update
Date January 27, 2021 2:12 AM
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A message from the Colorado Republican Party
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Hello everyone-

I hope you are all staying warm and enjoying the snow. Below is your weekly update from the Colorado GOP on what our Party and elected officials have been doing.

As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Joe Jackson
Communications Director | Colorado GOP

** Pollak: Biden Kills Up to 70,000 Jobs on First Day in Office
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Breitbart: ([link removed]) President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.

Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, as promised. In so doing, he killed ([link removed]) some 11,000 direct jobs that the pipeline’s construction was to have created, and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs in secondary, related industries.
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** Sen. Cotton backs Rep. Buck's bill toughening penalties for rioters, slams lawbreakers 'no matter their party affiliation'
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Fox News ([link removed]) : Sen. Tom Cotton ([link removed]) is joining Rep. Ken Buck in introducing for the new Congress ([link removed]) a bill to strengthen federal penalties for rioters in the wake of violence ([link removed]) from the right at the Capitol and from the left in the West this month.

Buck, R-Colo., first introduced the legislation, called the BRICKS Act, in November, following months of protests last year that often turned into riots. They started in the late spring and continued through the summer and into the fall before the presidential election. Buck at the time condemned "an unprecedented amount of violence from riots organized by Antifa and other radical leftist groups."
"Any act of violence is wrong," Buck said. "In order to truly restore unity in this country, we must prosecute these individuals to the fullest extend of the law."
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** Turnover hits staggering 200% in state office that ensures election integrity
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Colorado Peak Politics ([link removed]) : Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office is facing more turmoil ([link removed]) after yet another staff departure.

Deputy Secretary of State Ian Rayder recently announced he will leave his job in February.

Rayder’s departure brings total staff turnover to a staggering 200% ([link removed]) since Griswold assumed office in 2019
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** Opinion: Politicians’ challenge to Colorado’s TABOR is without merit
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Colorado Sun: ([link removed]) TABOR has also increased the accountability, transparency, and fiscal responsibility of state government. But it has done more than that.

Going back to earliest days of the republic and the tradition of the New England town meeting, the voice of the people has been paramount.

That’s why the U.S. Constitution begins with the words “We, the People,” not “we, the politicians.” The legislators’ attempt to use the courts to silence taxpayers and overturn the will of the people on a matter so clearly within the people’s power is a dangerous usurpation and should not be endorsed by the 10^th Circuit or any other court.

On grounds of both process and substance, the politicians’ attempt to get rid of TABOR falls short. After almost 10 years of back and forth, the court should swiftly dispense with this case and declare the people of Colorado the winners.
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** Q&A with Chris Holbert, Colorado Senate minority leader
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Colorado Newsline ([link removed]) : Top Capitol Republican sets sights on K-12 funding, legislative powers during future emergencies
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Top Tweets of the Week
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Colorado Republican State Party
5950 S. Willow Drive, Suite 210
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111

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