January 26, 2021
CONTACT: Randall Avila
PHONE: (714) 453-0900

Statement on the Special Election for Orange County Board of Supervisors, District 2
"The ballot is now set for the March 9, 2021 Special Election for Orange County Supervisor, District #2. The Republican Party of Orange County is solidly behind and will use all resources at its disposal to elect its endorsed candidate – Senator John Moorlach.
Senator Moorlach has a 25 year career protecting the taxpayer, and solving difficult problems. To safely reopen our economy, and solve the problems at the county, no one is better situated that John Moorlach. His main opponent is Progressive Socialist Democrat – Mayor of Costa Mesa – Katrina Foley. Just drive through the homeless encampments in Costa Mesa, and experience the only city in the county where police are citing businesses for being open – and you will experience what is coming to Orange County if she is elected.
Republicans are uniformly commenting on social media that three Republicans risk electing Katrina Foley. It is a very real concern.
We thank Mayor Will O’Neil of Newport Beach, Councilman Erik Petersen of Huntington Beach, and Councilman Mike Posey of Huntington Beach – all good Republican council members who sacrificed their ambitions for the greater conservative cause and governance in Orange County. They realized that John Moorlach is the only one that polls close to Katrina Foley and with 25 years of voter’s in the Second District supporting him in public office – the only one that in a short 45 day campaign can win.
We condemn the selfishness of Mayor Michael Vo of Fountain Valley and Councilman Kevin Muldoon of Newport Beach. They have let their egos be played by public service unions and political consultants all hoping to profit from this race. Polling was shared in particular with Mr. Muldoon that showed that his best result was to be a spoiler and not a victor. He told many that he would not be a spoiler, and yet he still decided to run.
We urge all Republicans in the Second District to vote for John Moorlach and reject the candidacies of Muldoon and Vo. Every dollar given and every door walked for those campaigns works to elect Katrina Foley.
If Republicans unite behind the one candidate that can beat Katrina Foley, we will win. If Republicans follow the egos of politicians we risk losing. We need all Republicans to come together. We did it in the 2019 and 2015 special elections for Supervisor when lesser Republicans followed their egos and not the data.
With your help, we can do it again. Support John Moorlach."