People across this country need someone in their corner and the window is closing to double your impact! //


We were thrilled when a core group of supporters stepped up and committed to matching every donation until midnight tonight! But time is running out to make the most of this moment – and we still haven’t made our target.

We’ve made huge gains since the start of the campaign – and in order to keep it going in these critical next few weeks, we need to hit every single milestone, including this $200,000 goal.

With only a few hours to go before the window closes, we thought you’d like to know where you stand:

Supporter ID: [email protected]
$$ matched so far: Not Yet! *

Suggested next step: Chip in $3 right now and have your gift matched dollar-for-dollar before midnight tonight!

Chip in!

John, doubling your impact right now will put Jagmeet and our NDP team in the best position possible to continue fighting for what Canadians deserve.

People across this country need someone in their corner. We have a vision that works for everyone and with your help – we can make that vision go twice as far.

This is your last chance – chip in $3 before midnight to have your donation matched and help us hit our critical $200,000 target.


Thanks for your support!

Your NDP Team

* Does this number look wrong? We try our best to get it right, but sometimes your donations are associated with a different email, or didn’t make it onto our email database. We appreciate all your support!


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
