We had such a huge response to our Citizen Advocate Training on Jan. 9th that we doing it again! So if you missed it – here is your 2nd chance. Folks are fired up and wanting to be engaged, so let’s get ready to do it right!

The 87th Session of the Texas Legislature began just a few weeks ago.  Are you ready to do battle in this 140 day biennial marathon?  To get ourselves ready for session, TTP will again be offering a 2nd round of our Citizen Advocate Training on February 20th.

The Citizen Advocate Training is a 4 hour, in-depth training session on being a Citizen Advocate to the Texas Legislature.  We will teach you things like

  • Legislative Process
  • How to Testify at a Committee Hearing
  • How to Use the TLO website
  • Effective communications with Legislators
  • Navigating the Capitol, and much more.

Training is conducted by Fran Rhodes, President of True Texas Project, with featured guest speakers on individual topics.  The training is free, and all are welcome.  It does, however, require registration (because space is limited).  Speakers include Tim Hardin, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility; Jill Glover, Chair of RPT Legislative Priorities Committee; and Rebecca Hardy, Legislative Director for Texans for Vaccine Choice.

TTP Citizen Advocates make regular trips to Austin during sessions, actively advocating for or against legislation as it relates to our Legislative Priorities.  For activists not able to travel to Austin, we put them to work making phone calls, writing letters, or sending emails.  And for those who can’t do any of those things, we just ask that they pray for our efforts.  There is something for everyone.  We invite all like minded conservative activists in the State to join us.  If you’ve never done this before, we can help you understand how it works and how to do it.  If you’re an old hat at legislative advocacy, we welcome your expertise, and adding your voice to the message.

Click here to register for the free training, get yourself informed and prepared, and get ready to save Texas!

True Texas Project

Saturday February 20th, 2021

Location : Mercury Studios –  6301 Riverside Dr. Irving, TX 75039

Time 8:30am – 12:30pm

Ticket Required (Click here. It’s FREE!)

Masks are optional

If you have any questions please contact [email protected]

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