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The radical left now controls the White House, the Senate, and the House, and over the course of just DAYS, we’ve seen what they’re capable of doing. 

Moments after being sworn in as president, Joe Biden weakened our borders, killed thousands of jobs by cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline, approved taxpayer-funded abortions, and banned fracking (after he said he wouldn’t during the campaign) which will eventually raise gas prices on Hoosiers. And we know he, Pelosi, Schumer, and the Squad are just getting started.  

In fact, Joe Biden issued 30 executive orders in just his first three days.  

There is no doubt that we need to start preparing for the battle to come in 2022 to take back Congress! 

Will you chip in right now to help us re-build our war chest to take back our Senate and House majority? Our first end-of-month deadline of 2021 is FAST approaching, and we want to make a huge showing of support for the GOP! 


We cannot allow the Democrats to fundamentally transform everything that makes America great. We need to protect our freedoms and liberties, and make sure that we can keep the American Dream alive for generations to come. 

Thanks for your help, 
Kyle Hupfer, IN GOP Chairman

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