Dear John,This is hardly free trade.Businesses are considering burning expensive merchandise, rather than deal with the red tape and cost of returning products from EU customers.Shoppers in Europe faced with 20% VAT charges are sending products back to the UK. But British retailers are finding it simpler and cheaper to destroy items, rather than deal with the customs hassle. The UK-EU free trade deal is a misnomer. It has erected massive barriers to trade, even if zero tariff trading has been maintained. As businesses struggle with the third national lockdown, this is the last thing we need. Simplifying EU-UK trade bureaucracy is a simple step the government could take to boost trade and help struggling businesses. Add your name to the petition, calling on the government to cut this red tape. Any business trading between the UK and the EU must pay a 20% VAT directly to HMRC upfront, on top of completing customs paperwork. Each company must also now register with the HMRC. Even businesses trading between Great Britain and Northern Ireland are caught up in red tape. This is a self-inflicted consequence of leaving the customs union and the single market in a rushed and disorderly way. The deal was finalised with just days to spare before the end of the transition period. Businesses have not been given time or the information needed to prepare. You can read about levelling up the deal in our new report here. But now we have a deal, we can begin to repair our damaged trading relationship with the world’s largest market. That starts with ending the unnecessary red tape the government has created. Sign the petition, and urge the government to pull down barriers to trade. Brexit has happened. COVID is here. Nothing can completely undo the damage. But there are simple things the government could be doing to lessen the impact of this double whammy on Britain. Best wishes, Naomi Smith,
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