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Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

The Covid-19 Crime & The Unwary Christian Church

Bill Sardi

When Fascism Comes, It Will Be Wearing a Mask

Ron Paul, MD

That’s All Folks!

CJ Hopkins

World Braces for New Round of ‘American Leadership’

Daniel McAdams

Running From Face Masks Is Like Running From a Bad Marriage

Allan Stevo

Flying Blind

James Howard Kunstler

David Rasnick: New Strain of the Coronavirus, or a Giant Con?

How deep do the lies go? Jon Rappoport

The Checkmating of America

Cherie Zaslawsky

The Answer to the Technocratic State and Domestic Extremism Propaganda

BitChute Video

Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks Are Unsafe, Ineffective, and Immoral

John C. A. Manley

Super Bowl Ads: the Seen and the Unseen

Larry L. Beane

I Wish I Didn’t Know Now What I Didn’t Know Then

Andrew W. Coy

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