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Rudy Giuliani Sued by Dominion Voting Systems for $1.3 Billion
Hey @RudyGiuliani, what can we do to help and expose dominion?

— GELLER REPORT (@PamelaGeller) January 25, 2021

Maybe this is the way to get the evidence actually heard in a court of law.

Especially ...

President Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers
Excellent. Donald Trump must lead the effort to primary the anti-Trump Republicans in 2022 and beyond.

Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers

By Newsmax, January 25, 2021

Former President Donald Trump has reportedly ...

Growing Number of Republican Senators Oppose Holding Trump Impeachment Trial
If they ever hope to be elected to public office again ……

Growing Number of Republican Senators Oppose Holding Trump Impeachment Trial

An increasing number of Republican senators are voicing opposition to holding an impeachment trial ...

Ted Cruz Blasts ‘Moron’ Seth Rogen During Twitterstorm Fight
Thank you, Senator Cruz. In addition to being a moron, Seth Rogen is a vicious anti-Trump bigot and radical Leftist. He bailed out rioters in Minneapolis last spring, he trashed Israel last summer, and now he is advocating for the job-killing Paris ...

Hamas-CAIR’s Florida Chief Hassan Shibly Beats Wife, Resigns, and Could Get Disbarred
Did anyone really expect that this sharia-adherent Muslim would not follow what the Qur'an says about beating one's wife? But there will be no headlines or opeds for Imane Sadrati. No second guessing or policy reevaluation. It's a religion of peace ...

Anti-Trump BLM Leader Group Helped Storm Capitol
Democrat CCP knows well that apart from being illegal, TRUMP will never be impeached.

It's only so their media lapdogs talk about TRUMP all day, every day&not Biden throwing millions out of work,rearming jihad,higher taxes,rampant illegal ...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is running for governor of Arkansas in the 2022 election
Building the Trump army within the GOP one race at a time.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Enters Gubernatorial Race In Arkansas

By Jordan Davidson, The Federalist, January 25, 2021

Former Trump White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders ...

Biden to force American taxpayers to foot bill for San Francisco homeless hotels
This once beautiful city is unrecognizable, with needles and fecal matter on the ground, rampnat homelessness and crime. This is the catastrophic consequence of Democrat corruption – Pelosi and Harris.

er. But details as to how its housing ...

Arizona GOP votes to censure TRAITORS McCain, Flake, and Ducey after the trio split with Trump
Excellent. The anti-Trump Republicans did significant damage to Team Trump in Arizona, and they should be held accountable for their actions. This must happen in every state. President Trump has a 90 percent approval rating with the Republican ...

Brave, ethical lawmakers continue investigation into extensive evidence of widespread voting fraud

Lawmakers continue investigation into extensive evidence of widespread voting fraud

News on the Net image

By News on the Net — One America News Network—— January 23, 2021

Lawmakers in Arizona, Pennsylvania and ...


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