Orange County Republicans -

Joe Biden's first days have been a disaster for Americans. Immediately after taking office Biden has signed over a dozen executive orders that immediately leave America with less jobs, leaves us less safe and more to the left than he promised voters.

Here is a list of Joe's most disastrous executive orders of his first days in office:

National Mask Mandate 
Biden signed an executive order requiring the use of masks and social distancing in all federal buildings and on federal land only to hours later break his own order walking around maskless and without social distancing.

Rejoins Paris Climate Accord
Biden unilaterally rejoined the Paris Climate Accord which will cost American jobs, drive utility costs up on American families and stifle the American economy while propping up foreign nations who don't follow the same standards forced upon the United States. 

Cancels Keystone XL Pipeline
Biden canceled the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline killing thousands of American union jobs in a striking blow to our energy independence and national security.

DACA, Open Borders and Amnesty
Biden reinstated the DACA program, stopped construction of the southern border wall, placed a moratorium on deportations while caravans of illegal immigrants head for the United States amid Biden's immigration proposal to grant amnesty to over 11 million.

Joe Biden has signed 30 executive orders in just his first 3 days. No president in history has even come close. The voters gave Congressional Democrats the slimmest majority in 80 years and the United States Senate is split 50-50. Instead of respecting the will of the people for bipartisanship he has chosen to ignore the legislative branch completely. His covid relief bill and immigration bill have stalled due to lack of support. 

Joe Biden has stumbled right out of the gate of his presidency. Congressional Democrats are more concerned about a second impeachment than the American people. This isn't leadership. This is the left's dangerous vision for America. 

Republicans will hold the line against the Democrats and continue to make the case to voters that Republican policies are best to keep America stronger, safer and more stable.

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