From Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty <[email protected]>
Subject WILL Call | WILL Challenges Dane Co. Health Department, Wisconsin's Largest School Choice Program, New Additions
Date January 26, 2021 1:00 AM
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News and Updates WILL Files Lawsuit Challenging Dane County Health Department’s Authority to Enact COVID Restrictions WILL filed a lawsuit in Dane County Circuit Court, on behalf of two Dane County residents, challenging the Dane County health department’s legal authority to issue sweeping restrictions on all aspects of life in Dane County. This lawsuit is substantially similar to an original action WILL filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court in November 2020. The Court voted not to grant WILL’s original action, 4-3, without addressing the merits of the case, but four Justices indicated the claims had substantial merit. Read more here. STUDY: Wisconsin’s Open Enrollment Program Provides Critical School Choice Option for 62,000 Students WILL provides a first of its kind look at Wisconsin’s open enrollment program, arguably Wisconsin’s largest and most popular school choice program. Wisconsin’s open enrollment program serves more than 62,000 Wisconsin students who choose to attend public schools outside of their designated attendance zone. This new study charts the history of the program, the fiscal and enrollment impacts on school districts, and recommendations for reform. Read more here. WEDNESDAY: Special Presentation on School Choice Research Join WILL Research Director, Will Flanders, for a special Zoom presentation on Wednesday January 27, on "Wisconsin School Choice and Why it Works." Flanders will take us through the latest research on school choice and answer any questions participants might have about the program, the research, or common criticisms. Register here. A New Bill in the Wisconsin Legislature Would Expand School Choice WILL Research Director, Will Flanders, highlights a new bill in the state legislature that would expand access to school choice for Wisconsin families. The bill would increase the income eligibility for the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) to 300% of the federal poverty limit - ensuring families throughout the state have the same access to school choice that families in Racine and Milwaukee do. Read more here. WILL Hires New Attorneys, Adds Bradley Freedom Fellows WILL announced the addition of two new attorneys, Daniel Lennington and Katherine Spitz, formerly of the Wisconsin Department of Justice, and two Bradley Freedom Fellows, Adam Hoffer, PhD, and Shannon Whitworth, to bolster WILL’s policy team. WILL’s new Bradley Freedom Fellows program is sponsored by a grant from The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. Read more here. Donate The work we do would not be possible without the generosity of our donors; we are a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization that receives no public funds. Our focus is primarily, if not exclusively, on Wisconsin – a state that has become one of the focal points of our ongoing debate about the proper role of the government within society and of the courts within government. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, we litigate in the areas of property rights, the freedom to earn a living, voting rights, regulation, taxation, school choice, and religious freedom. As an educational organization, we strive to advance the debate concerning law and public policy in these and other areas. Please consider making a donation to support our mission and to continue the fight for freedom. Support WILL Today Read more at ‌ ‌ ‌ Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty | 330 E. Kilbourn, Suite 725, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by [email protected] powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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