DATE: January 25, 2020
CONTACT: Jason Savage ([email protected])

Mills to Destroy Struggling Maine Small Businesses by Taxing Federal Relief Funds

AUGUSTA, ME-- Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas released the following statement regarding Gov. Janet Mills' push to tax Maine small businesses on federal relief funds they received during her state-mandated shutdown to balance her bloated state budget.

"You really can't make this stuff up," said Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. "As a small business owner and a Mainer I am appalled that Janet Mills would crush Maine's small businesses by taxing the federal relief funds they need just to stay alive. Many of these businesses now rely on these loans to stay open and keep their staff employed because Janet Mills shut our state down. Now, she wants them to pay taxes on the very financial lifeline that is keeping them from closing down for good."

"For nearly a year, Janet Mills has created a nightmare scenario for Maine's small businesses. She has shut our state down and provided no clear direction on when or how we will re-open, unilaterally changing rules and restrictions without warning. For Gov. Mills to turn around and require Maine small businesses to pay taxes because of her poor management and unreasonable desire to spend every dollar she can is truly beyond the pale. In order to weather the COVID-19 storm, and not decimate our entire economy, Mainers must stand up, make their voices heard, and push back against Janet Mills' financial bullying and recklessness.

"If we faced a different natural disaster, Governor Mills would confiscate our bottled water or emergency supplies because this is what she is doing to our small businesses. Governor Mills needs to keep her big government, liberal hands off the money Maine's small businesses need to survive; she has done enough damage already to Maine’s economy."
