While the last four years have inarguably been horrific for our country, the last four months have been particularly disastrous for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 19.6 million unspoiled acres and home to gray wolves, caribou, imperiled polar bears, and more.
Trump's administration pushed its employees to fast-track seismic testing in the region, despite the harm it poses to wildlife, asked oil and gas companies to pick where in the Arctic they wanted to drill, and—in one of his final parting shots to the environmental community—rushed through a last-minute fire sale of oil leases in the coastal plain.
President Joe Biden has officially begun his term with an executive order to temporarily pause oil and gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But we need Congress to permanently protect this vital region. Can we count on your help to protect Alaska's coastal plain and wildlife from dangerous fossil fuel exploration and development?
Please, help us get right to work saving the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Activate your monthly membership now to help us reverse Trump's disastrous policies and protect this pristine region for future generations. A FREE 2-piece cotton mask set is included with every monthly membership!
On January 6th—a day that will be largely remembered for the insurrection at the Capitol— Donald Trump auctioned off over 500,000 acres of the Arctic Refuge's coastal plain to oil and gas developers. It was a last-minute payout to Trump's fossil fuel backers—one that could permanently destroy vital habitat, hasten climate change and endanger the livelihoods of local indigenous communities.
We need Congress to support Biden's executive action by enacting a permanent moratorium on any activities—including seismic testing, lease sales and exploratory drilling—that would lead to drilling and development of the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And we need your help to make it happen.
Start the year by activating your monthly membership with the Sierra Club to help us save the Refuge from destructive fossil fuel exploration and support all of our efforts to protect natural resources and communities and get a FREE 2-piece cotton mask set!
Donald Trump closed out his final days in office just as he spent the previous four years: selling our natural heritage to his corporate backers. Thanks in part to your support and advocacy, Trump's reign of terror over our public lands is over—but now the hard work begins.
Congress must act immediately to reverse the damage done by the last nefarious administration and enact permanent protections for the Arctic Refuge—and we're counting on your help today to ensure that happens.
Thank you, as always, for your tenacity and resilience. Our irreplaceable public lands need both, now more than ever. Let's get to work preserving them for generations to come.
With optimism,

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club
Photo by Alexis Bonogofsky, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |