Dear Ward 8 Residents,
Last week, the DC Council held a public hearing on Re-Opening DC Public Schools (DCPS) amid the public health pandemic.
We heard testimony from parents, educators, and healthcare workers about their position on DCPS's plan for re-opening. Many felt it was too soon to send children back into the classroom.
Currently, 79 DCPS schools are offering in-person programming to approximately 1,000 students in over 140 CARE Classrooms.
DCPS Chancellor Lewis D. Ferebee testified that "approximately 4,000 students have accepted a seat offer for Term 3. DCPS is prepared to welcome 15,000 students in-person in Term 3 while maintaining the virtual option for families that prefer it.
Term 3 is scheduled to begin on February 1st. Each school will offer a range of in-person learning options and services for students. This includes In-Person Learning (IPL), classrooms with teachers, CARE Classrooms or tutoring services with staff facilitators, and self-contained classrooms for special education students."
I think DCPS has a lot more boxes to check before schools re-open. There have been more deaths in the last 45 days than any other time in the US. We must take all the science and data into consideration because there are lives at stake.
For more information about re-opening DCPS please click here to sign up for the townhall meeting on January 27th.

Trayon White, Sr.
Chancellor Ferebee's Statement on
Re-Opening DCPS
Councilmember Trayon White Asks Tough Questions About Re-Opening DCPS
Examples of Elementary In-Person Learning Models
Examples of Secondary In-Person Learning Models
Join Chancellor Ferebee and DCPS leadership as they discuss the DCPS Term 3 Reopening on Wednesday, January 27th at 5:00PM.
Teletownhall dial-in details below:
Dial-in: 844-881-1314
*No Passcode Required*
Download the DC311 Mobile App
Vaccines Available for DC Teachers
Bellevue Family Success Center Virtual Community Open House
Wednesday January 27th at 4pm via ZOOM
RSVP at [email protected]
First 30 Guests to RSVP & Attend will be entered into our grand raffle for a chance to win a $50 Virtual Visa Gift Card. Spread the Word! Share with families.
Financial Assistance for
Excluded Workers
On Monday applications are finally opening for the excluded worker cash assistance program called DC CARES.
Eligible DC residents include those released from incarceration since March 11, people working in the informal economy (street vendors, people cutting hair, doing yard work, washing dishes, etc. for cash) and undocumented residents.
"We are proud to be partnering with the Far Southeast Family Strengthening Collaborative and a number of returning citizens and other community organizations, who are helping spread the word. We wanted to make sure you were able to share the word as well and are knowledgeable about the program."
The only ways to apply are by visiting: or calling 202-332-1264. Applications with not be eliminated for lack of information. We're encouraging anyone who may be eligible to apply.
#ReadyToPlay Master Plan Meeting
The next phase of our #Ready2Play master plan is about to begin! This week, we're launching a series of virtual meetings that will focus on individual wards, and DPR's long-term plans for services, operations, and amenities in those communities.
This is your opportunity to focus on particular recreation centers and parks in your ward that you want to see prioritized for capital improvements and/or new programming.
Ward by Ward Virtual Meetings Start This Week
Click one of the links below to RSVP for your ward's meeting and let your voice be heard!
Ward 8 residents, business community, and stakeholders,
Councilmember Trayon White's Constituent Services team is available for all Ward 8 constituent service needs.
Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 5:30pm
CLOSED Saturday, Sunday & Holidays |
Constituent Services Team Areas of Responsibility
Ward 8 residents experiencing issues or have related concerns with a government agency should email the Constituent Servicerepresentative who manages that government agency. For additional questions or concerns, please call our office at 202-724-8045.
Wendy Glenn: [email protected]
Director, Constituent Services
Department of Employment Services
Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia
ERCPCP/ACC Faith Leaders
Louise Thorne: [email protected]
Constituent Services Specialist
DC Public Schools
DC Housing Authority
Department of Human Services
Utilities: PEPCO, DC Water, Washington Gas
Office of the State Superintendent of Education
Eric Cleckley: [email protected]
Constituent Services Specialist
District Department of Transportation
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Department of Energy and Environment
James Wood: [email protected]
Constituent Services Specialist
Department of Motor Vehicles
Department of Public Works
Senior Related Issues
For all other constituent services concerns, please contact Wendy Glenn. |
Committee of the Whole Meeting
Full Hearing: "Re-Opening of DCPS"
Click To Watch
Committee of the Whole Meeting
Health Public Oversight Roundtable
Friday, January 29, 2021
10:00 am
Add to Google Calendar
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Virtual Meeting Platform
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, DC, 20004
The Committee on Health will hold a Public Oversight Roundtable on the following Legislation:
Watch Live:
– On the Council site, at
– On the OCTFME site, at
– On TV, usually Channel 13
Meet & Greet with ANC Commissioners
Thursday, January 20th
Councilmember Trayon White initiated a meet and greet with ANC Commissioners and representatives from government agencies. Invited agencies: DBH, DCRA, DDOT, DPW, DOEE, MPD, MORCA, OAG.
D.C. Mayor Bowser: Dem-Led House, Senate Will Pass D.C. Statehood, Bring It to Biden’s Desk
A 15-year-old was among three people fatally shot in separate attacks in Southeast Washington on Thursday, a continuation of violence that marked last year as the deadliest in the District since 2004.
D.C. Council Member Trayon White Sr. (D Ward-8) said in a text message the killings are “heartbreaking in my city,” and he urged, “We have to do better as a people.”
Click to read full article in Washington Post
D.C. Health’s new model for COVID-19 vaccine distribution will make a larger population eligible for doses, as D.C. becomes one of the most efficient U.S. territories to inoculate its residents.
D.C. Wards 5, 7, and 8 have been hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and consist largely of predominantly Black neighborhoods. As of Jan. 15, Ward 8 had 162 deaths, reaching the highest death count in the District. Ward 7 has had 128 deaths due to COVID-19, and in Ward 5, 144 deaths. Black Washingtonians, who make up about 45 percent of the D.C. population, have constituted approximately 75 percent of COVID-19 deaths. The second highest number of deaths has consisted of Hispanic and Latinx individuals, who make up over 11 percent of the population, with 13 percent of D.C. fatalities.
Despite disproportionate death rates in D.C., vaccine distribution has thus far favored Wards with fewer deaths. D.C. Health released data showing that Wards 1, 4, 5, 7, and 8 have had the fewest COVID-19 vaccine appointments since Jan. 11, while 2,465 residents in Ward 3 got appointments to get a dose of the vaccine. Comparatively, only 197 people in Ward 7 and 364 in Ward 5 received appointments.
Click to read full article at