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Our "Top 20" Accomplishments of 2020
The accelerating pace of climate change demands swift, bold action and Fresh Energy is rising to the challenge. To close the books on 2020, we’ve assembled this list of highlights. Together we made change happen!

Kicking Off the Legislative Session
Since the start of the 2021 session of the Minnesota Legislature, Fresh Energy staff have been busy attending and testifying at hearings. Get the scoop on what we're working on and tune in to our podcast later this week for conversations with J. Drake Hamilton and legislators leading the charge for 100% clean electricity at the state capitol.
Equity is a key pillar of Fresh Energy's work. We've reaffirmed and deepened this commitment with the release of our Commitment to Anti-Racism in which we outline actions we are taking to create needed change.
Minnesota Power has announced a vision for 100% carbon-free electricity by 2050. Its vision includes exiting coal, which means that all coal plants that operate within Minnesota have planned retirement dates! Read our full statement.
President Biden has signed an executive order rejoining the Paris Agreement! Minnesota’s energy and climate policies, including passing Governor Walz’s commitment to 100% carbon-free electricity into law, have a critical role to play. Read our statements on the Paris Agreement and 100% carbon-free electricity.
In Case You Missed It:
Fresh Energy Launches New Strategic Framework. Learn about the new framework, the five strategic imperatives that will guide our work, and more.
2021 EV Outlook and Market Update. Tune in to the recording of our webinar and get the scoop on new EV models, the changing federal landscape, and more. 
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters in December. Click here to see the full list.

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