The challenges we’re facing today are generation defining. But these challenges cannot be resolved by any one person. They require a movement of, for, and by the people.

Ro Khanna

I don’t need to list out all the struggles working families are facing day to day in this country – so many of you wake up to them every morning.

The challenges we’re facing today define our generation. But these challenges cannot be resolved by any one person. They require a movement of, for, and by the people.

You are this movement.

Can you further your support for the movement with a donation today? Whatever you can afford to give will make a huge difference in these generation-defining fights.


Every dollar we raise from a grassroots donor is another step forward in the fight against the unjust systems that run our country. When folks contribute whatever they can – even just $3 – to a campaign like mine, it’s not just a show of support to me. It’s a show of support for the policies we’ve been fighting for since I was elected – like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and a $15 minimum wage.

As Bernie says – “Not me. Us.”

The huge challenges we’re facing today need solutions just as huge. And those solutions can only come from those who are willing to take on the hard fights.

I’m willing to take on those hard fights.

If you are too, please consider donating what you can today so we can continue building up a movement of, for, and by the people.

In solidarity,

Ro Khanna