This morning, my Democratic colleagues and I introduced legislation to ban all firearms inside and outside our Capitol in advance of the Michigan State Capitol Commission meeting.
A few weeks ago, the Michigan State Capitol Commission made the decision to prohibit the open carry of firearms in our state Capitol. While it was a step in the right direction, it is not enough to keep those working in or visiting our Capitol safe.
The Commission neglected to prohibit concealed carry and to ban the presence of firearms on Capitol grounds. Two crucial, common sense safety measures.
If you agree, please sign our petition demanding that the Michigan State Capitol Commission ensure that every Michigander is safe in our Capitol.
It is the fundamental right of every American to have their voices heard. But when protesters show up armed with rifles to invoke fear, it threatens the first amendment right to free speech for those engaging in peaceful protesting. The presence of heavy armament in a collective protest setting is a way to express a threat by nonverbal means. It crosses the line into political intimidation.
The United States Congress and 32 other states have realized this as they prohibit firearms in their capitol buildings. The other 18 states have prohibitions in certain areas of their capitol buildings.
Those working in the Capitol should be free from threats and intimidation. The countless children, parents, tourists and teachers visiting should be safe at all times.
Ensuring the safety and rights of all Michiganders is and should be our first priority. This legislation is needed to do both.
Sign our petition and show that all Michiganders support common sense safety measures in our Capitol. Sign Here.
