Every day, our volunteers are advocating on behalf of wolves. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where we have a daily presence.

We submitted dozens of official comments, letters to the editor, spoke at public hearings and gave interviews to reporters.
We never stop educating about wolves! Sometimes it is by providing free wolf education programs at schools or for civic organizations either in person or Zoom and sometimes it is providing information about a wolf pack while sharing a spotting scope in Yellowstone.

We are always ready. We respond to emails and messages, answering questions from around the world and engage with watch parties.
We have participated in a number of activities including speaking before State Wildlife Boards and being active partners on wolf committees, workgroups and conference calls.

We attend conferences, meet with researchers and biologists so that we can share our knowledge with you.
And there is always something for volunteers to do that help keep our organization running smoothly... website updates, running the "store", maintaining inventory, FOIA requests, IRS and state filings, mailing list updates and marketing.
Without YOU, our loyal supporters, the National Wolfwatcher Coalition would not be where we are today, with over 800,000 followers. We are appreciative of your support throughout the past years and look forward to your continued support in the future! 

For the latest scientific information, please visit OUR WEBSITE and while there, you can shop at OUR STORE